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The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function - Friedman

The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function - Friedman


Author: Shimon Friedman Language: English Finishing: DVD, 100 minutes  ISBN: D089-00 Author Information: Dr. Shimon Friedman received his DMD degree (1975) and specialty in Endodontics (1983) from the Hebrew University and Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine of Jerusalem, Israel. He had taught, carried out research and practiced Endodontics in Israel till...
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Descripción completa de: The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function - Friedman

Author: Shimon Friedman

Language: English

Finishing: DVD, 100 minutes 

ISBN: D089-00

Author Information:

Dr. Shimon Friedman received his DMD degree (1975) and specialty in Endodontics (1983) from the Hebrew University and Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine of Jerusalem, Israel. He had taught, carried out research and practiced Endodontics in Israel till 1991, including one year spent as visiting professor at Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia. He served as Chairman of the Israel Endodontic Society (1985-1988), and as Israel’s representative to the European Society of Endodontology and the International Federation of Endodontic Associations.

In 1992, he was appointed Associate Professor and Head of Endodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. In 1993 he established the first and thus far, the only graduate endodontics program in Canada. He was promoted to full professor in 1996.

He is member of the American Association of Endodontists, the Canadian Academy of Endodontics, and the Ontario Society of Endodontists. He has served on several editorial boards of journals, including the International Endodontic Journal, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Medicine, Radiology and Endodontics, Endodontics & Dental Traumatology, Endodontic Topics, Practical Periodontics and Esthetic Dentistry and Alpha Omegan. He presently serves as Co-chief Editor of Visual Endodontic Curriculum.

He has published 117 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 10 textbook chapters and numerous research abstracts. He has presented over 200 national and international lectures. His main research interests include: (1) endodontic treatment outcomes and their predictors, (2) effectiveness of root canal medication and filling materials, (3) epidemiology, (4) laser applications in endodontics, (5) internal bleaching, (6) apex locators, (7) microscopic endodontics and (8) anatomy.

He is presently Professor and Head of Endodontics and Director of the M.Sc. Program in Endodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, and also maintains a private practice limited to Endodontics in Toronto.


The Success of Endodontic Therapy - Healing and Function
Over 30% of root-filled teeth in the population present with persistent disease, suggesting an extensive need to manage the affected teeth. Treatment options include extraction and replacement, orthograde retreatment and apical surgery, and selection between these can often be complex. When the patient is motivated to retain the affected tooth, a key consideration is the prognosis, or potential for healing; therefore, the prognosis should be communicated to patients in a clear and objective manner. This lecture focuses on the prognosis of orthograde retreatment and apical surgery.

Inconsistent reports on the prognosis of orthograde retreatment and apical surgery, in contrast with consistently favourable reports for implant-supported single-tooth replacement, have caused considerable confusion in the profession. To reliably reflect the prognosis, studies must conform to design and methodology criteria consistent with an acceptable level of evidence. These criteria are met by only a few studies on retreatment and apical surgery. This lecture identifies the studies that provide the best evidence and outlines the prognosis of retreatment and apical surgery in regards to healing and symptom-free function of the treated teeth. Furthermore, specific clinical factors are highlighted that may influence the prognosis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand why reported endodontic treatment outcomes vary considerably.
  • Classify the main considerations that determine levels of evidence.
  • Identify the best evidence for the prognosis of retreatment and apical surgery

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