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Textbook of Vertigo - Dispenza / De Stefano

Textbook of Vertigo - Dispenza / De Stefano


Autor:  Dispenza / De Stefano Encuadernación: 290 págs  / 130 ilustraciones Idioma: English Referencia: 9789350906729 Nº Edición: 2014 Contenido: Vertigo is the feeling that everything around is moving or spinning and is usually caused by a problem with the balance mechanisms in the inner ear. It can also be caused by problems in certain parts of...
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Descripción completa de: Textbook of Vertigo - Dispenza / De Stefano

Autor:  Dispenza / De Stefano

Encuadernación: 290 págs  / 130 ilustraciones

Idioma: English

Referencia: 9789350906729

Nº Edición: 2014


Vertigo is the feeling that everything around is moving or spinning and is usually caused by a problem with the balance mechanisms in the inner ear. It can also be caused by problems in certain parts of the brain or vision disorders.

This book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of vertigo. Beginning with basic anatomy, physiology and epidemiology of dizziness, the following chapters examine different causes of vertigo, their diagnosis and treatment.

Edited by recognised Italian otolaryngologists, this textbook has been written by authors (many from the US) from multidisciplinary backgrounds including otolaryngology, neurology, anatomy, physiology, epidemiology and surgery.

This invaluable guide includes extensive references and numerous clinical photographs, illustrations, tables and figures.

Tabla de Contenidos:

  • Comprehensive guide to diagnosis and treatment of vertigo
  • Covers anatomy and physiology and numerous causes
  • Multi-disciplinary author and editor team from Europe and the USA
  • Includes 130 images and illustrations

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